crypto bull society nft


"The bull market is back. We are entering a new era of cryptocurrencies, or at least that's what the recent price run-up seems to indicate."

Ever since the crypto markets have been bearish for a few years ago, "crypto bulls" have been waiting for the right time to buy back in. The recent price jump seems to validate this point, but before you put all your hard earned money into a crypto investment be sure you understand what's going on and how these coins really work. Blockchain technology is still just as promising as it was when Bitcoin was first created in 2009. However, crypto investment success doesn't depend on one coin or one industry alone. If you learn how these coins function and analyze their value you can become a successful investor.

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Some of the terms that are thrown around in the crypto community are confusing, so before we go any further, let's take a second to look at them one by one to make sure we have the same definitions. The following is sourced from Investopedia [1]:

"Crypto" is short for "cryptography" and refers to a digital form of currency that uses cryptography for security and verification. The term is commonly used in the sense of an encryption algorithm (i.e., a means of encoding information so only authorized parties can read it) but is sometimes used to refer to applications, protocols, or technologies facilitated by cryptography. This includes cryptocurrency (e.g., bitcoin, litecoin) and blockchain technology (e.g., distributed ledgers)."

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When people refer to cryptocurrencies, they don't just mean digital currency like Bitcoin or Ethereum . They are referring to the entire digital currency ecosystem (cryptosystem). Cryptocurrencies are a method of digital money that uses cryptography to secure transactions such as sending, transferring and receiving funds (i.e., currency) among users. A system that uses encryption to provide additional security in financial transactions over traditional systems, such as credit cards. In this case the term crypto is used to define the technology behind this digital system and crypto bull refers to people who are bullish on cryptocurrencies [2].

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So when people say they want or want a crypto bull they are referring to a person who is interested in investing in cryptocurrencies and being bullish on the system. There's a huge difference between investing in cryptocurrency and buying crypto tokens for fun. The latter may seem like a free ticket to the moon, but at the same time it can turn your life into an emotional roller coaster, which is not for everyone. But what if there was something in-between? Join us on our paperless journey to find out!

We'll go through six strategies on how to invest wisely from people who've been there before you and learned the hard way. You'll also get tips on how not to be tracked by prying eyes through making transactions anonymous. After all, your financial freedom is at stake!

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So that's enough intro. Let's check out some of the most advanced strategies Crypto Bull can offer so far!

1. Buy the dip! If you're new to crypto trading and want to make a long-term investment, you should learn how to buy the dip. A lot of people keep asking "What is the best time to buy Bitcoin?" and it's hard to give a universal response because there are so many reasons why each person needs cryptocurrency. The best answer we have for you is "now". Every second, someone is buying and selling Bitcoin on exchanges in order to earn a profit on it as soon as possible. A lot of people think buying the dip is expensive and complicated, but it's quite the opposite. It's actually pretty simple (and the best) if you know what you're doing.

Let's say you want to buy $100 worth of a cryptocurrency that is going up in price because it has just broken a new record, or because there are not enough buyers yet. You buy your investment at $100, wait for it to go down by $10 (which means your investment will be worth $90 then) and then sell it for $90 in order to make a profit of 10% ($10).

Note that the price of the crypto is going up, which means it's a good time to buy!

2. Buy low and sell high! This is one of the most basic trading strategies out there. All you need to do is find the next cryptocurrency to hit all-time highs or become insanely popular. Then, invest in it and sell it when you reach your target price. But how much does this strategy actually work? It all depends on many factors such as: timing, market conditions, whether you're buying a dominant currency or a coin that has potential but isn't on everyone's lips just yet, etc.

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If you manage to find the perfect time to buy and sell the right coin, then you can make a lot of money that you can use to pay for other things.

3. The fake momentum strategy! "Fake momentum is a term used by traders to describe the phenomenon wherein a coin appears to have significant price momentum but does not continue with this price increase," explains cryptocurrency trader, Chris Cancian. If you're wondering what makes this coin so special, then maybe it's because there are market forces working against it that we need to identify and avoid. This means picking up this coin when it is cheap (before it hits new all-time highs) and being patient until it rises again.
